I am so excited now.This could be the worst situation ever for me.
This is how my brain is currently working:
1.Spm finishing in 3 days time.
2.What am I going to do after that?
So what about that question?
This state of mind has made me hook on the net looking for games to buy after SPM.A bit too early huh.I know...but It is just me when I get excited over something.
The results of my time on the net today is,I found www.gamespot.com .Others mm I can't remember.
The problem is,that site doesn't tell me what game I should get.It just give me more options and uncertainty.They also mention online games which is RPG.The catch,those games are not free.So...I've wasted my time.
Btw checkout Final Wars. The last of the Godzilla series or at least that is what they say.Here's the link. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4051485.stm.
I woke up.I stretched.I yawned.Then I crawled out of bed early cause I wanted to try the wireless at different locations in my house.And soon was time for breakfast...I was so hungry by then.Maybe that is the price to pay for waking up early.
However today the rest of my family woke up late.Hence..the result...my brothers refused to go for breakfast.Reason,his tv programme is going to start soon.Haha.Usually we would be back by the time the programme starts..but not today.Oh and about my mother and sister..they are in KL shopping now.So..today only my father,grandma and I went for breakfast.So sad, isn't it?.
Later in the afternoon,I was visited by many many cousins,which isn't very good at all.There goes my concentration if I ever had them.They made lots of noise.All I could do was *shut ears*.So conclusion of today...I hardly had any chemistry and bio.GASP...
I went to school early today.About 1 hour before the exam started.I was so anxious about that paper.To some it mught be the last..to us we have two more after this.It is something to celebrate about.Although it is not over,I have learned to celebrate little things.So that I won't be so deppressed so yeah.Two more exam days.
Anyway I had a good time answering the questions.. although I think I exceeded the word limit for the report.This was the paper 1 of EST.The 2nd paper was objective...so what can I say.Sitting at the back,I can see many heads on the table.A good sign...why?because it means they have finished their papers and are confident.BUT... there are examiners around..so I'm not pretty sure about what to say.haha.
After the exam I guess my friends from the art side are going to celebrate.They are going to play play play!HEH but I know two exam days are short and now all I have to do is ENDURE!
Thousand smiles
I am so happy today.I got a new labtop.I never expected it before my birthday.I thought it would come at em maybe christmas or something when I am due to Perth.I was surprised when my father came home from work carying a big bag besides his own labtop.Then by opening the box he revealed it.
Although he brought it back today I can't use it just yet.It had to be installed with all the programs before I can use it...and since I am online most of the time,my father insists that I should have an antivirus programme installed.I do not really care anyway.. as long as I already have it.
Besides that I have a rather boring day.I had some time to study the english format for reports.I had tv on too.Basically it is same as all the ordinary days before.The difference,-I ate kolo mee for dinner.Weird ME.
Talking about getting motivated.I am getting motivated for my english paper right now.Because I am blogging in english.=) *Revision done* haha.
Talking about today.There is nothing much really.Just some people dye their hair and with it they enter the exam room.Weird and funny but that makes it a good entrance.All and all the moral paper was fine.Moral... was taken lightly by a lot of people.Ahah ...not much said but shown.Books can be seen taken out from bags minutes before the exam starts.
Such a funny scenario especially on the BiG exams.People fear the results but are lazy to do what it takes to achieve good results.It is something to do with mentality.
A lot of philosophers come out with things like,"You are a winner once you have grown over your fears".
Meaning do not compare yourself with others.
One might look at it and just hope parents would ever understand that.
Knock three times on the door.Why?-------Just be polite.
Talking about polite.That is a value ... a moral value!.Tomorow is I will have a long 2 and a half hours of moral.Extremely long.That is what I hate about it.Everytime I sit for moral paper,I will come out with a sore hand.Tired actually.Imagine answering all those 'structure' questions.They are nearly as bad as essays or worse because of their many questions.
Usually I find I have too little time for this paper.I don't know why.Say I write too much ..can't be.Say I wasted too much time... can't be.
Well at least it is going to be over tomorow.I have had enough of posing in camera's picking up rubbish,cleaning up for free-charity!.hahah.That was how much effort I put in the moral folio.=)
The painful truth
Tracking tracks of the hidden past,
I tripped over a stone that got me sore,
Never have I thought I was picked up,
From the unknown.
Just the thought of this,
Brings darkness upon me,
Utterly destroying,
The home that was built all my life.
I've always been alone,
I never had a home,
All I have is memories,
Memories that I once thought sweet...
Now turned bitter.
Now back to reality.I find the real pain to be trying to study without getting my attention diverted.That is real pain..especially when one knows the importance of the current exam.Anyway I find today quite rush.I guess it is because before this we had a relaxed timetable for our exams but today we had three papers in a row.But of course,I didn't miss lunch.We went with school uniforms so it was easy ordering stuff.All we had to do is get an order and then wego back to our seat.They know where to find us,it is so obvious!.We were wearing uniform.
After that I got back slept a while and ate my dinner.....at 5.00pm!.I guess I'll be eating supper today.hahah.
I'm looking forward to more papers too,because this means the exam is finally starting to end.Which is equavalent to freedom.Right now I'm thinking about damai..um..Christmas at Perth?Wonder what it is like.=)
N if there are any kind people around,can I collect my ang pau for next years chinese new year in advance cause I won't be here.AHAH.
After a long break,finally tomorow it starts again.And from tomorow onwards,it will only be less than two weeks to my birthday.So fast.I'm not really excited about my birthday...what i'm excited is about the exam.It is going to be over.Others had had a holiday for 1 month and I haven't.Being so excited I think those few days would be long days.But ...when it is over I would say it was just like yesterday.
Do people really belive in something called justice?Justice that is brought long long hearings in courts.Or do certain people just see it as a legal procedure to bring people down?
How would you feel if you know that a person is guilty yet you do not have enough prove to convict him.Or lets say he is found guilty but due to the nature of the law,he /she is not given a good enough punishment.Well this is where some people will try to take justice into their own hands.Usually when this is so,their actions might be brutal because it is fueled by hatred.And the consequences,they commit crimes.And because of this they are punished because they take justice in their own hands.
SO... what is justice after all?It is all written in some documents... and these documents can change a persons life forever.
I actually did very little today.1st,because I sent my computer to repair this morning.So I had no access to the internet.Was fortunate to get it back quick though.But I had no choice.Anyway..read through fiziks.I just actually glimpse through before I got distracted by my stomach again.Went to get some food and drinks and place them in front of my books.haha.
Oh and I just added a new link at the side.Popcap games.=)I was introduced to a game called dynomite by a super super web surfer.hehe.That person always have a very clear mind..as clear as Crystal.=D.I find that page quite fun.Still playing games there.Quite addictive too.There are still many other games to try and i think it is a fun way to kill boredom.
Superiority.That is one feeling I want to have.I guess everybody does.Just in a different way.Imagine you are holding a currency.Say Euro for example.If you were to go to a country where their country has a real small currency.Would you feel just so powerful.
I overheard some people saying,"currencies in some countries can be used to burn ciggarettes".Hahah.That is some kind of superiority.Of course when the currency could be used to light up ciggarettes,it must be real small.Which means buying a product would mean spending thousands.For example you buy a drink in Malaysia for about 1 ringgit.At another,it might cost a thousand,depending on the countries currency.So maybe just buying something small might get you spending millions.Imagine carrying millions in cash for shopping...shopping for just daily needs.
Oh and 1 thing..it is sad to say,I can't wear anything red can't go to any party.I'm not sure about other restrictions.In short I'm mourning.
ahhh.So full.lol.That was just now.I went visiting today and ate a lot.Not that I usually do..but the reason is,I made myself a point to eat a little bit in every house.And adding all those,I ended up so full.It was also quite boring as...all I visited today are my father's friends.So I just tagged along, eating and resting at every house.
The houses are all big and grand.Each have their own style too.They also have some similarities.
1 funny scene.
The host asked my youngest brother what day is it today... and my brother answered it's the 14th of November.Haha..can you feel how bad the rest of the family felt.Of course the expected answer was Hari Raya.But having given that as the answer ,the host just welcomed us into the house .
I wonder what was in the host's mind.Few possibilities.
1.This people ar..come here to eat only.(which is true to some degree)
2.Young people are really ignorant and innocent these days.
3.That little boy is cute.
I thought it was 'holiday'.I had no idea that I would awakened early in the morning.Anyway..I just got up and got myself ready for breakfast.Before I went to eat,my family sent my sister to taekwando.So that's something about self defence.After that,we had breakfast.This coffeeshop is just opposite my sister's school so it is quite convenient for us.Because my youngest brother eats at snail's pace and sometimes can't even finish a dish,I went with my father to a shop.Selling lots of other things but we were there just for the magazines.Those about gadjets.
The thousand daylights ahead was spent at home..although my brother went for a movie.Unfair!but anyway that's life.
BUT home is not that boring=).
There is still entertainment.That includes:
TV,Computer and playstation.
Some people call those distractions.
Oh and 1 more thing.My sister went out for shopping and brought back a dancing mat.And that spells doom.Some of my cousins are coming over to stay and imagining them dancing on the mat gives me the thoughts.hahah.I tried it too.Well they use legs..hehehe I use hands to tap the mat.lol
I just came back from my cousin's party.He invited it at a last minute so it was kind of a family gathering rather than a party.Anyway it could be both.I ate till so full.Just keep in mind that I had a party last Sunday too.Imagine me going out to eat like that.And soon there is Hari Raya.Wah imagine all the food I will have to take.haha..talking about gaining weight.well nevermind.. some people say.Food is supposed to be enjoyed and not avoided.So festive season...here I come!lol.Maybe I'll split my visiting to two days.I'll follow my parents on 1 day and my friends on the other.hehehee
So bored... . I stayed at home today.Again.Luckily wasn't that bad.I went to my storeroom and found a game.I think it is called carrm.If that is what it is called,I found the board as well as the seeds and since I have 2 brothers and 1 sister I am able to play the game.Found it quite interesting.Though my skills for the game was already rusty.
The time for me to complete one game shows clearly.It took me half an hour to finish a game and I think that is extremely long.Soon after that I found myself watching tv again.
Few hours later I'm here on the com again.When surfing the net,I came across a software called Firefox.You can see it at www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ .I'm using it now.Find it a bit faster.Or is it just me and myself thinking that new things are always better.=)
An achievement from this year.Pertandingan catur MSSBK 2004.Just got it two days ago.mm ~Teamwork~.haha too bad I didn't get a good enough individual achievement for another certificate.
I went out for the whole morning today.Went to make something called a student visa.So troublesome.There are only two doctors that could approve the process and the one I looked for went holiday.Since I didn't know that,I waited for half an hour waiting for the clinic to be open.I wanted to be early and get home quick.Unfortunately...when the nurse arrive we were told he wasn't around.So we had to go to the other docter at 7th mile.Doing all those .. was longer than expected.Because I need to a medical checkup+x ray.And since the x ray building is so far away from each other,we couldn't do it before lunch.So I went to eat first and ate a lot.Chicken chop noodle and butter prawn rice.haha.cuz i din eat breakfast.Later we just went back to the clinic at 1.30 .Then I went home.
Heh and Melvin was the driver of the day=D
I feel so sleepy right now.Feel like dozing off.Can't recall what medicine I took.It just made me all sleepy.To refresh myself,I washed my face.Still feeling the same.So i made myself a cup of coffee.Still the same.No effect.Either I'm immune to caffeine or I'm just a ...(sleepy).Hav to respect muslims a bit.=D.haha.
Today, I went out for lunch again.This time at a different place.And I ate a different dish too.I ate... kam pua mee.To my surprise...it was so little.Not filling!Maybe it was just perfect for exam time.haihs.maybe too cheap?can't be.the most logical explanation was..I was cheated.HAHA
Today is over,tomorow is coming.I'm some what looking forward to it.As everyday passes by,SPM nears its end.
Sejarah paper 2 tomorow.Since paper 1 is over,I guess this paper will be determining the grades.well..quite happy.Just worried bout paper two now..because I have gotten extremely low results for sejarah paper 2 in mock exam before.
Summary of the day.
Sat for two BM papers and history paper 1.
Checked my utopia account.Ugh it's condition was great just now when i checked it at my friends house.Now it got attacked.So depressing.
Went out for lunch n took chicken porridge with egg.And had a cup of drink.The porridge was so liquid+the drink I ordered.So what do you think?I waited anxiously for the clock to reach 4.30 pm.Then I rushed to the toilet.Felt very good after that.Felt like I could run a thousand miles.
I got a ride to the shops at tabuan jaya.Got myself 1 air mata kucing drink and walked cross the road...
Today someone turns 71!.and that is my grandma.I just came back from dinner.So filling.Very proud to show some slideshows.Though i didn't do it.It was done by my father.A slideshow showing pictures of my grandma which was collected years back.The cool thing is..most are in black and white.
If I demand that you look into the night sky....how would your brain think?Curious,confused or suspicious.What can you see in the night sky?Obviously stars,moon and if you are lucky enough a wishing star.
I tell you what the night sky signifies to me.To me,the night sky is the unknown.Meaning there is a lot I wish to know from there.Usually I watch chinese series.And in some, they use stars to predict things.And... some stars represents some individual.It is like ...if you see that the king's star starts to fade,his dynasty or reign would be over.It is always this time that the attacking forces charge into the town.
I am somewhat curious about how people predict using stars.Astronomy huh.Seems so advanced..their abilities and possibility stretches far more than those of recent times.
There is one thing I always wanted to do.Lie down on grass and look up into the night sky.Like in the movies.Or maybe sit on top of the rooftop in the middle of the night.I believe the feeling would be just so relaxing!Then my mind can wonder freely to the world of imagination.
!@#$! I didn't know how to do the first question!.Something so simple that I didn't expect to come out.Anyway..the rest was fine.:)
Many people see that during exams,you study till the very last minute.Something like,never stop fighting till your last drop of blood.We never did take that into account.We did something...play starcraft in the exam break.They give us 4 hours break.So long!.I just went and slept at my friends house for a while.If not,I would be so restless,having nothing to do cause I forgot to bring with me my add math book.Went to eat lunch at 12.00.hmm that reminds me that I'm still in debt.
So I count my money...it's still the same amount!Didn't decrease =D
Finally I begin to wonder about other exam days.The first day is already like that.Others,can't imagine what I would encounter.Oh n today I sat a flying car.A wonder I'm still alive eh.=)
SPM starts tomorow.I'm scared so I'm online to blog.hehe.After tomorow there would be two days to rest til the next test day.And this Sunday is my grandma's birthday.I don't know how I'm going to rid those distractions.Anyway tomorow is add math paper.Got to remember to bring calculator,math set in case.And I think there is one slip of paper i need to bring.Hope I do not forget.So much about complaining last time,it doesn't help.Have to face it.It is sad to say tomorow is just the beginning.I'd rather tomorow be the end.Then I would be free!!!
Entertainment & politics
The battle for the white house is near.Both sides anticipating the results of the election.Anxious and uncertain they are.It has been like this since the beggining that's why they brought all support they could..including from the music industry.
For instance Bruce Springsteen lends his support to John Kerry in the key swing state of Ohio on the eve of the US election.John Kerry is also supported by Neil Diamond, Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio which attended a Democratic fundraising evening.Film maker Michael Moore is also well known for being anti Bush.
Bush's supporters from the entertainment industry have so far kept a lower profile than their Democrat counterparts.However he can count on the support of one of the Hollywood heavyweight.Namely ,actor turned governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.George Bush's supporters tend to be domestic rather than international stars.
When both the Replubicans and the Democrats are hunting for support ,rock star,Alice Cooper is not pleased.He said, the endorsement of fellow musicians would mean,"treason against rock 'n' roll".He even said,"Rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics,"
Jez San, the man behind the Argonaut games group which went into administration a week ago, has bought back most of the company.
The veteran games developer has taken over the Cambridge-based Just Add Monsters studios and the London subsidiary Morpheme.
The Argonaut group went into administration due to a severe cash crisis, firing about half of its staff.
In August it had warned of annual losses of £6m for the year to 31 July.
He founded Argonaut in 1982 and has been behind titles such as 1993 Starfox game.
More recently it was behind the Harry Potter games for the PlayStation.
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